Salvation lies in the heart of the broken.
Roy Revant is living the hard life of a bounty hunter in a broken city, a city where thousands have died in a mysterious event called the Blast Fall. As dark fades to light and light becomes pitch black in an instant, all a man can do is put his head down and trudge forward. Unexpected allies are brought together, losing sight of the fine line between right and wrong as intentions are judged with sore hearts. After so much destruction and loss, Solty glows with the fresh life that Roy's been seeking and there may be a chance for happiness in the dark. As strangers pass in the graveyard, bitter loss binds them all.
Episode 7: A Little Blue Demon Comes to Visit
Episode 8: Revenge
Episode 9: Girls' Day Off
Episode 10: Treasure and Rescue
Runtime: 2 hour(s) 30 minutes
Translation: Not Sure (غير مترجم إلى اللغة العربية)